Fixed Impact Cradle

Tec Rapol® impact cots in their fixed format (with or without Rostan cushioning) absorb the impact in transfers between belts.
The best solution to absorb all kinds of unwanted stress on your structures.

Specifications and Benefits


Without cushioning.


Available in sizes up to strap width 96 ″, and length up to 1500 mm.

High Durability

Equipment made of structural steel, as well as UHMW / Rubber / Aluminum matrix lifters. Certified damping system of Swedish origin.


Interchangeable lifter, reducing the replacement time.

FIXED Impact Crib

Secondary scraper Tec Rapol® effective delivery cleaning on conveyors.

Standardized design by CEMA standard.
Manufactured from ASTM A-36 structural steel.
General dimensions adaptable to each requirement.
Cribs up to 96 "bandwidth and 1500mm long.

Basic Dimensions CENTRAPOL® LOAD

20º and 35º Inclination

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* Standard dimensions, subject to change depending on the client.


Lifters with length 600 mm, 1200 mm and 1500 mm.
Garantizados para resistencia a la caída de material bajo matríz Aluminio-Caucho-UHMW.
Bajo coeficiente de roce, lo que elimina la posibilidad de dañar la correa.

SECONDARY Conventional

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Looking for a provider for all your conveyor needs?

At Tec Rapol we offer the most complete and versatile range of conveyor parts on the market, always seeking to maximize the efficiency and safety of your operations. We have everything you need.