Commercial meeting
As is already a tradition, Tec Rapol® He held one of the semi-annual meetings with the administration, commercial, engineering, design and manufacturing areas, agreeing and setting goals for the rest of the year.
The meeting, considering the current vision of the management team, used as a platform for the following:
1.- Aspirations of the company, under the new organizational structure.
2.- Participation of the commercial area in the development of the new catalog.
3.- Technical / commercial, engineering and teamwork training.
Culminating with a company lunch considering all areas, where the area of expertise was awarded for their dedication, effort and professionalism in their operations within the company.

Looking for a provider for all your conveyor needs?
At Tec Rapol we offer the most complete and versatile range of conveyor parts on the market, always seeking to maximize the efficiency and safety of your operations. We have everything you need.